2022 Bluewater Supply Catalog

39 All prices are subject to change. Please refer to our website for most recent pricing. Batteries Electrical Batteries | Battery Chargers | Dolphin | Premium Scandvik New robust compact housing is light weight and easier to install than ever thanks to better mounting design and electrical speed connections. Outstanding features include the latest battery charging technology with a new charging program for lithium-ion-iron-phosphate batteries. • One (1) Ordering Unit is: Each • Minimum Order Quantity is: 1 Battery Charger BWS Part Number Description Price SCAN 99050 Dolphin Premium Battery Charger - 12V, 20A, 115/230V, 3-Out $1,552.63 SCAN 99030 Dolphin Premium Battery Charger - 12V, 40A, 115/230V, 3-Out $1,333.88 SCAN 99040 Dolphin Premium Battery Charger - 24V, 20A, 115/230V, 3-Out $1,513.16 SCAN 99041 Dolphin Premium Battery Charger - 24V, 30A, 115/230V, 3-Out $1,669.41 www.scandvik.com www.dolphin-charger.com Ŷ 'HDG EDWWHU\ FKDUJLQJ IURP 9'& Ŷ &DQ RSHUDWH XS WR ƒ ) ZLWKRXW ' UDWLQJ Ŷ 2YHU 7HPS FRPSHQVDWLRQ ZLWK DXWR UHVHW Ŷ ,QWHJUDWHG 7RXFK 3DQHO LQGLFDWLQJ WKH FKDUJLQJ VWDJH YROWDJH DPSHUDJH EDWWHU\ WHPSHUDWXUH DQG YDULRXV DODUPV Ŷ $XWRPDWLF 9 9 +] +] HTXLSSHG ZLWK LVRODWHG RXWSXWV Ŷ FKDUJLQJ SURJUDPV PHHW WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI DQ\ EDWWHU\ WHFKQRORJ\ Ŷ 9 0RGHOV $ WR $ 9 0RGHOV $ WR $ Ŷ 1(: 352/,7( 6HULHV 9 $ DQG 9 $ ,3 Electrical